
The Pirelli Tower , commonly called the Pirelli Tower, Milan is the building where the headquarters of the Regional Council of Lombardy. It stands at the southwest corner of Piazza Duca d'Aosta, where there is also the Central Station. He held the record for highest in the EU
  building from 1958 to 1966, the year of construction of the Tour du Midi in Brussels.

摩天大楼 Pirelli 俗称 Pirellone,
米兰所在的大楼总部伦巴第大区的区域市政局。它站立在广场Duca的D'奥斯塔,那里也是中央车站的西南角。他认为在1958年,欧盟建筑最高到1966修建的游du Midi酒店位于布鲁塞尔的年度纪录


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