GAM Milan

The Gallery of Modern Art (also known as GAM) is located in the Villa Reale, Palestro street16 in Milan. The Villa is one of the masterpieces of Neoclassicism Milan. It was built between 1790 and 1796 as the residence of Count Ludovico Barbiano Belgiojoso. In fact, the villa is also known as Villa Belgiojoso. It has been designed with elegance and functionality by Austrian architect Leopoldo Pollack, a collaborator of the highest representative of the Lombard Neoclassicism, Giuseppe Piermarini.

现代艺术画廊(也称为GAM)位于皇家别墅,通过帕勒斯16日在米兰。别墅是新古典主义米兰的杰作之一。它是17901796之间建成计数卢多维科Barbiano Belgiojoso的住所。事实上,别墅也被称为别墅Belgiojoso。它是由奥地利建筑师莱奥波尔多·波拉克,伦巴第新古典主义,朱塞佩Piermarini的最高代表合作者设计的优雅和功能

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